Monday, August 13, 2007

Queso band..

created: august 13-14, 2007

the legendary band..
fourteen years in the music industry..
these seven stunning and talented chaps..
are still rockin the world..

ian’s inimitable voice
albeit the song is rowdy or smooth..
he can make it good..
growling and screeching, my fave melody..
while looking into his visage and body..

otso, as the backbone of the band..
no wonder, they’re still renowned..
cj, enzo, bboy, Robert and 2tz’ expertist..
the gig is always impressive..

these are the guys i love..
they are good precedent to every one..
down-to-earth and approachable..
traits that never fade..
‘ope all the bands in our country..
would make them their deify..

queso, the legendary..
they are here to stay..
they still have more songs to make..
and gigs to play..